TriJam entry. This was made in MORE than 3h though, so I'm out of competition - still, I hope you enjoy it!

I tried to make it online multiplayer, but didn't have enough time - maybe will add later. So I ended up reverting it back to couch co-op. So in the end spent more than 3h.

Other than that it's a simple 2 player pong game with a twist - player who lost a point gets an unfair advantage. Whoever gets 10 points wins.

Had a little challenge for myself - don't use sprites, so all the shapes are built in Godot shapes (Polygon2D and Line2D).

Used this google font:

Sounds generated with 

Inspired by Godot pong demo:

Check out the source-code here:


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Interesting! it is hard to make a multiplayer game in 3h, so don't do this next time :)

Nice one!